Yooka-Laylee Wiki
Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
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This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.

“Thank goodness! And just when I was about to give up and find another buddy-duo..."
― Clara

Clara Lost is a supporting character in Yooka-Laylee who appears three times in different worlds. Clara is a self-proclaimed explorer who often gets into trouble often involving baddies. She tends to be around her 'antique' named Potty Mouth as well.

Name Origin[]

Andy Robinson, when asked on Twitter for a name origin, claimed it was "Nothing special apparently!"[1]


Clara is a skeleton wearing a pith helmet, red fingerless gloves, and a pink ascot. When out of Potty Mouth, she wears torn yellow pants with a red string, and brown explorer's boots. She may have once been a human or some other being.

In Tribalstack Tropics, she resides in a melting pot with bones tied into the center, over a small campfire, bound by ropes. Potty Mouth has a green bubbling liquid inside. Strangely, her eyes are intact despite being a skeleton.


Clara is kind but tends to be careless, as she gets captured by Corplets often.


She will ask Yooka and Laylee to be rescued from the Corplets, or do other tasks for her.



  • "This whole experience has been quite traumatic. But at least I got a bath out of it. The adventure game can cause these sockets to rather grimy."
  • "Gosh! It seems you just can't be a world class explorer these days without being cooked and eaten..."

Entire Conversations[]

Tribalstack Tropics[]

Entire Conversation.

First encounter[]


"She's looking a bit malnourished..."


"Cripes! Thank goodness you're here! I've been kidnapped by these... things, and they're going to cook me!"

Potty Mouth:

"If they're hungry they'll need a character a bit more fleshed out than you, love."


"Gosh! It seems you just can't be a world class explorer these days without being cooked and eaten..."

"Help me escape and I'll reward you with a Pagie! But be quick... My captors will be back any minute with their condiments!"

Player denies[]


"Erm, we're a bit busy right now... I think we left the oven on at home."


"Please hurry back! I've got terrible cramp in my left femur..."

Speaking to Clara after denying her once[]


"Thank goodness you're back! I've just about lost all feeling in my tailbone. Please get me out of here."

Denying Clara a second time[]

Potty Mouth:

"Hurry back, will ya? She's giving me a right headache."

Player accepts after denying[]


"Don't worry miss, we're back to save the day!"

Player accepts the first time[]


"Don't worry miss... we'll get you out of there!"

Tribalstack Corplet:

"Uggg... Step away from pot, strange dinosaur!"

After defeating 5 Tribalstack Corplets[]

Tribalstack Corplet:

"Uggg... Lizard and bat go good with skeleton soup, add much body!"

Upon completion[]


"Looks like dinner's cancelled!"

Speaking with Clara after completion[]


"Oh thank you, kind lizard! you have my eternal gratitude! Those brutes took a real beating, but I have a feeling they'll be back.."


"Can you feel it in your bones?"


"Please take your reward. You earned it!"

Speaking with Clara a second time after completion if the world is unexpanded[]


"See that entrance back there?"

"Come back when you've expanded the tropics for a new expedition!"

Speaking with Clara a third time after completion if the world is unexpanded[]


"Come back when you've expanded the tropics for a new expedition!"

Speaking to Clara after completion if the world is expanded[]


"The tropic have been expanded which means new treasure are in sight."

Glitterglaze Glacier[]

Entire Conversation.

First time meeting Clara[]


"Oh, thank goodness help has arrived! The nearby tribe of monsters is holding a rather valuable artifact hostage."


"You mean that smelly old pot? That's about as valuable as Yooka's old socks"


"That pot is antique, I'll have you know!"

Potty Mouth:

"Oi! What did you call me?!"


"Please help! The tribe are preparing for dinner inside their homes. You'll need to pound their roofs in if we have any chance of escape!"


"Alright, Dr. Bones... We'll help. Unlike you, we've got the stomach for this adventure game."

Talking to Clara before task is completed[]


"Quick! Smash their homes before they take my pot to auction!"

After task is completed[]


"Wow, you really smashed those houses. The tribe will never recover from this!"


"I suppose they could 'igloo' them back together."


"Please, take your reward!"

Talking to Clara after collecting the Pagie reward[]


"Thank goodness you saved my pot! I was very worried."


"Don't worry... It's all going tibia ok."

Moodymaze Marsh[]


  • Clara was first revealed on October 5th, 2015 during the October 2015 Development update.[2]
  • Clara was first known by the fans as "Skeleton Girl".
  • On June 6th, 2016, during the E3 2016 trailer, Clara made her first in-game appearance in the trailer. She was seen with a new design (lost her ponytail but gained a hat.)



Concept Art[]




  • Her name is a pun of Lara Croft, from the Tomb Raider video game series, who is also an explorer/archeologist who fight baddies, and her appearance features the same short, mittens, boots and ponytail as the original character. Her concept art appearance relies even more on the classic Lara Croft appearance, with a classic braid.
  • At no point in the game does Clara ever introduce herself. However, Dr. Quack's quiz does have a question asking who the pictured character is that identifies her in game as "Clara".
  • The main challenge challenge theme when rescuing Clara in Tribalstack Tropics (and the racing theme for Nimble) is simply the Tribalstack Tropics main theme, but sped up approximately 43% faster.
  • In Tribalstack Tropics during the beta version of the game, Laylee spoke to Clara saying "If they're hungry they'll need a character a bit more fleshed." However, in the final version, Potty Mouth is the one who speaks this piece of dialogue.
  • In the Beta version of Yooka-Laylee, Clara was trapped in a pot in Glitterglaze Glacier instead of being outside of it.

See Also[]

