Yooka-Laylee Wiki
Yooka-Laylee Wiki

"Na ha ha!"
― Evie

Evie is a green, snake-like Ghost Writer who will constantly run away while mocking Yooka and Laylee. If the duo successfully touches Evie, Evie will be collected. Evie is confined to a specific part of the world.

Appearance []

Evie is a long, green Ghost Writer who has a long tail and two dangling arms. It has two eyes with bright green pupils, an open mouth with jagged teeth, and the top of his head is curled.

Name Origin []

Evade means to "escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery". Evie tries to prevent being caught by running away from Yooka and Laylee.

Quotes []

  • "Ghost writers are we, this book we made, free all five, and a treasure we'll trade!"
  • "Capturing one ghoul, impressive indeed, but to free us all, new tactics you'll need!"

Gallery []




Trivia []

  • Evie first appeared in the Yooka-Laylee Toybox+.
  • Evie is the first and only Ghost Writer who speaks in the game.
  • The gender of all of the Ghost Writers is confirmed to be "non-specific" by Daley Johnson.[1]
  • Evie's behavior is reminiscent of M.I.P.S. the Rabbit from Super Mario 64.

References []

See Also []

Ghost Writers:

Pagie Reduced PagiesQuillEyes QuillsGhost Writers Transparent Ghost WritersMollycool MollycoolsArcade Token Play Coins

ButterflyBoosterMag Butterfly BoostersPowerExtenderMag Power ExtendersPirate Treasure Pirate TreasuresTonic Play-TonicsCashino Coin Casino Chips

Ghost Quill Image Ghost QuillsGemMag Minecart Gems

Ghost Writers
Normy NormyAnn-Gree Ann-GreeEvie EvieHeidi HeidiFeedee Fee-Dee