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― Fee-Dee

Fee-Dee is a Ghost Writer that requires Yooka to feed it. Yooka must shoot either Frostberries or Bomberries inside Fee-Dee's mouth. Once fed, Fee-Dee's entire body will change from pink to lime green, and then it can be collected.

The only way to feed Fee-Dee is to use Frostberries or Bomberries, so the presence of Fee-Dee indicates a nearby placement of Bomberries or Frostberries.

Appearance []

Fee-Dee is a pink round-shaped Ghost Writer who has a face on his torso, a rather large mouth, four teeth on his upper jaw, six teeth on his bottom jaw, two eyes on his upper body, and two long tentacle-like arms. Fee-Dee has short stubby legs, flat spread out teeth and his eyebrows float above it.

Name Origin []

Fee-Dee name is a play-on-words of the words, "feed" and possibly the word "me", which means to give food to something or someone. Overall, his name means "feed me". The meaning of his name is also represented by his body language, as it constantly points into his mouth, which means it is asking to be fed.

Gallery []




Trivia []

  • Fee-Dee is similar to the Flower Urns from Banjo-Kazooie, as they both request to be given projectile ammunition. (Blue Eggs for the Flower Urns and Berries for Fee-Dee)
  • The gender of all of the Ghost Writers is confirmed to be "non-specific" by Daley Johnson.[1]

References []

See Also []

Ghost Writers:

Pagie Reduced PagiesQuillEyes QuillsGhost Writers Transparent Ghost WritersMollycool MollycoolsArcade Token Play Coins

ButterflyBoosterMag Butterfly BoostersPowerExtenderMag Power ExtendersPirate Treasure Pirate TreasuresTonic Play-TonicsCashino Coin Casino Chips

Ghost Quill Image Ghost QuillsGemMag Minecart Gems

Ghost Writers
Normy NormyAnn-Gree Ann-GreeEvie EvieHeidi HeidiFeedee Fee-Dee