Yooka-Laylee Wiki
Yooka-Laylee Wiki

Ghost Quills act as a challenge to earn more quills in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. There are 5 different colored quills who each behave in different ways. They can sometimes be found inside of crates with a quill symbol on them, or throughout different levels.

Unlike the Ghost Writers from Yooka-Laylee, most Ghost Quills are optional for 100% completion, as most will only award the player with many quills or a Quillion. However, it is recommended to complete every Ghost Quills' challenge as some may hold a T.W.I.T Coin which is needed for 100% completion.

Quill Types[]

Normy Ghost Quills run away from the player on a set path and draw a design of quills, and drops an award when they are all collected. They leave after a certain length of time. Rewards the player with quillions

Evie Ghost Quills making a racing line of quills and drops a reward when reached, regardless of how many in the line were collected. After a certain length of time, all the quills disappear. Rewards the player with a quillions.

Heidi Ghost Quills make a moving design of quills and drops a reward when they are all collected. After a certain length of time, the quills vanish and the challenge is failed. Heidi may reward the player with a T.W.I.T. coin, fruit, bomb, or even a secret exit instead of a quillions.

Ann-Gree Ghost Quills randomly change position left and right, dropping a few quills after each hit and release a large number of quills after a certain number of hits.

Fee-Dee Ghost Quills vomit out a large number of quills when first activated, and upon completion.


  • Normy and Heidi often have their quills follow a certain path. Sometimes, Yooka and Laylee may have an opportunity to stand in a certain spot and collect every quill without moving.


  • According to Playtonic on several occasions, the Ghost Writers can manifest themselves as the quills, which explains their strikingly similar appearance.
Pagie Reduced PagiesQuillEyes QuillsGhost Writers Transparent Ghost WritersMollycool MollycoolsArcade Token Play Coins

ButterflyBoosterMag Butterfly BoostersPowerExtenderMag Power ExtendersPirate Treasure Pirate TreasuresTonic Play-TonicsCashino Coin Casino Chips

Ghost Quill Image Ghost QuillsGemMag Minecart Gems
