Googly Eyes are enemies in the game Yooka-Laylee that can attach themselves to certain inanimate objects, bring them to life, and have them attack Yooka and Laylee. In order to prevent the Googly Eyes from attaching themselves to inanimate objects, the duo must defeat the Googly Eyes before the Googly Eyes have an opportunity to attach themselves to inanimate objects. If the Googly Eyes attach themselves onto objects, Laylee must use her Sonar Shot or Sonar 'Splosion to detach them.
Attachable Items[]
- Barrels
- Ice cubes
- Skulls
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Small snowmen
- Small tribal pillars
- Wooden crates
- Yellow and blue hazardous barrels
- Letters
- Steel cages
- Red dice
- Road cones
- Treasure chests
- Trees
- Toilets
- Branches
- They may be a nod to Rare's early games such as Banjo-Kazooie, which featured googly eyes on many inanimate objects.
- They also appear on the Playtonic Games logo when booting up the game, where they jump on the letters and accidentally land on top of the logo. The Googly Eyes move the logo to the right, causing the letters to fall letter by letter.
- The pumpkin NPCs in Moodymaze Marsh appear to be blue Googly Eyes attached to jack-o-lanterns.