Yooka-Laylee Wiki

"He will use it to enslave all the bees in the Royal Stingdom!"

The Hive Mind is a device owned by Capital B, and is used to mind control the entirety of the Royal Stingdom. In the tutorial of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Capital B enslaves the Royal Beettalion Guard.


At some point, Capital B acquired the Hive Mind to enslave the inhabitants of the Royal Stingdom. When Yooka and Laylee eventually arrived to stop him, Capital B fired a bolt from the Hive Mind to try and crush the heroes under some steel girders. He later used the Hive Mind again to control the Royal Beettalion Guard that protected Yooka and Laylee from the forces outside of his Impossible Lair before also attempting to control Queen Phoebee. However, the Hive Mind failed to enslave the Queen as it run out of power, forcing Capital B to retreat into his lair to recharge it.

