Yooka-Laylee Wiki

Jump is a basic ability in the Yooka-Laylee series. In games, the Jump allows Yooka to get over or on obstacles. In Yooka-Laylee, the jump can be linked with the Double Jump, the Air Attack, and the Buddy Slam. In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, the jump can be linked with the Double Jump, the Buddy Slam, and Laylee's spin-hover ability.


Jumping can be used to get on top of objects or to get over gaps.

Description Image
Vertical Distance Yooka can jump on top of objects, or jump over objects.
Jump - Vertical
Horizontal Distance Yooka can jump over gaps.
Jump - Horizontal


The following abilities require the jump ability to be performed first

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Double Jump The duo can jump a second time after performing their first jump.

The duo jump, but fails to climb on top of the object. They then use a double jump, and successfully climb on top of it.

Air Attack After jumping, the duo can attack in air, and hit any enemy in their path.
Air Attack Hit

The duo jump, and then attacks the Corplet with an air attack.

Buddy Slam When the player is in air, the duo can use the buddy slam ability to hit the ground hard. The duo do not have to jump in order to use this ability. However, in most cases, the duo will jump before using the Buddy Slam ability.

The duo using the Buddy Slam in the air to hit Blastooie



Press SPACE to jump.

Xbox One[]

Press AXboxOne to jump.

Playstation 4[]

Press Cross PS4 to jump.

Nintendo Switch[]


  • If the player jumps and immediately uses Air Attack, the player will propel forward, making this fast for travel and an alternative when out of power for the Reptile Roll. This technique is often used in speedrun sessions.

Double Jump[]

The Double Jump is an ability that allows Yooka to jump a second time in mid-air after they have already performed a normal jump.


The double jump can be used to gain more vertical and horizontal distance.

Description Image
Vertical Distance Yooka can use the double jump in order to reach heights that he cannot normally reach with a normal Jump.

Using the Double Jump to reach the top

Horizontal Distance Yooka can use the double jump to gain more horizontal distance while in the air.

Using the Double Jump over gaps that cannot normally be jumped regularally


Nintendo Switch[]

Press B to jump, then press B again while in the air.[]


Press SPACE to jump, then press SPACE again while in the air.

Xbox One[]

Press AXboxOne to jump, then press AXboxOne again while in the air.

Playstation 4[]

Press Cross PS4 to jump, then press Cross PS4 again while in the air.

Nintendo Switch[]

