Yooka-Laylee Wiki

"Reach high pointsss with this sssimple manoeuvre!"
― Trowzer

The Lizard Lash is an ability that Yooka can use in order to reach different objects that have the shape of Yooka's head. This ability is used through using Yooka's Slurp Shot ability, and will automatically lock onto the Grapple Points if close by.


Yooka can use the Lizard Lash to attach onto objects and pull himself there.

Description Image
Pulling himself to places Yooka can throw out his tongue onto objects, and pull himself there.
Grappling Tongue

Using the Lizard Lash onto a red object


Note that Yooka's tongue will automatically lock-onto any nearby edible/copyable/grabbable object.


Xbox One[]

Press BXboxOne to shoot out Yooka's Tongue.

Playstation 4[]

Press Circle PS4 to shoot out Yooka's Tongue.

Nintendo Switch[]

Grapple Points are objects found in Yooka-Laylee. They appear to be somewhat tribal-themed stone faces that resemble the shape of Yooka's head. Yooka can use the Lizard Lash ability on them to either jump from one point to another or to move certain objects around. They have gemstones as eyes.


