Yooka-Laylee Wiki
"You'll need thisss to contessst my high jump recordsss."
― Trowzer

The Lizard Leap (known as the Spring Jump in the Toybox) is an ability that Yooka can use with his tail by storinf potential energy into it to jump onto high places that Yooka and Laylee cannot normally reach.

The Glide ability can be used after reaching its highest point as well.


Description Image
Jumping high The duo can use this ability to jump higher than normal.
Lizard Leap
Reaching high ledges By using the Lizard Leap, the duo can reach high ledges that cannot be normally reached via normal jump.
Spring Jump



The player can use Lizard Leap by holding CTRL and pressing SPACE.

Xbox One[]

The player can use Lizard Leap by holding LTXboxOne and pressing AXboxOne.

Playstation 4[]

The player can use Lizard Leap by holding L2 PS4 and pressing Cross PS4.

Nintendo Switch[]


