Yooka-Laylee Wiki

Minigame Selection Screen

The Minigames are small multiplayer games that are able to be played from the Yooka-Laylee home screen through Rextro Sixtyfourus' Arcade. Each minigame can host up to four players. There are 8 minigames in total, and in the main game, there are a total of 8 different arcade machines- one in each world except Hivory Towers and those plus an extra three in Hivory Towers.


Hivory Towers: Jobstacle Course, Blag the Flag

Tribalstack Tropics: Kartos Karting, Gun-tlet Run

Glitterglaze Glacier: Glaciators

Moodymaze Marsh: Bee Bop

Capital Cashino: Hurdle Hijinx

Galleon Galaxy: Up 'N' Nova

Kartos Karting[]


In-Game screenshot of Kartos Karting.

Kartos Karting is a racing minigame. There are five laps, and the players must avoid rickety bridges, fire, and water jumps on a dirt track. The players are able to fire projectiles, along with different power-ups on the track to provide some help, similar to Mario Kart or another Rare title, R.C. Pro Am. The player with the fastest time wins.


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Drive WASD JoystickXboxOne LeftJoystick PS4
Shoot Left Click XXboxOne Square PS4



In-Game screenshot of Glaciators.

Glaciators is a spleef-style minigame in which players must collect three different types of quills on a hexagonal-shaped arena: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Nimbo also releases quills as well. The player with the most Quills at the end of the round wins. A crown appears over the current winner, and one can steal quills by attacking them. However, the floor tiles fall underneath the player, so the player will need to watch their footing. Each round is 180 seconds long. When there are 2 minutes, 47 seconds left on the screen, the center platform will lower. Nimbo will release Quills every interval of 30 seconds. The name "Glaciators" is a play-on-words of the word "gladiators" and "glacier."


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Jump SPACE AXboxOne Cross PS4
Spin Attack Right Click XXboxOne Square PS4
Jump Attack SPACE + Right Click AXboxOne + XXboxOne Cross PS4 + Square PS4

Bee Bop[]

Bee Bop

In-Game screenshot of Bee Bop.

Bee Bop is a platform minigame in which the player controls Corplet Drones. The player gains points by slamming on Corplets (although it's best to keep an eye on the Power Meter, as each attack drains it). Corplets spawn at random points, and a new set appear after the current ones are taken out. Different power-ups will also help the players, but they should avoid the flame spouts. The round lasts for two minutes, and the player with the most points wins. The game's title is a play on "be-bop".


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Move WASD JoystickXboxOne LeftJoystick PS4
Boost SPACE AXboxOne Cross PS4
Aerial Attack Right Click XXboxOne Square PS4

Hurdle Hijinx[]


In-Game screenshot of Hurdle Hijinx.

Hurdle Hijinx is an Olympic-running themed minigame. The players must avoid poker chips, Cashino Corplets, and dice by running in between them, collecting Quills before reaching a large hoop at the end. The player with the most points is the winner.


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Switch Lane AD JoystickXboxOne LeftJoystick PS4
Jump SPACE AXboxOne Cross PS4
Ball Roll ALT Steam RTXboxOne R2 PS4
Slow Down CTRL LTXboxOne L2 PS4

Up 'N' Nova[]

Up 'N' Nova

In-Game screenshot of Up 'N' Nova.

Up 'N' Nova is a play-on-words of the phrase "Up and Over." This game plays much like a flappy bird-type game. The player collects Quills and avoid enemies and terrain until they reach the hoop at the end. The word "Nova" is a reference to a supernova which is a space object.


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Move WASD JoystickXboxOne LeftJoystick PS4
Boost SPACE AXboxOne Cross PS4

Gun-tlet Run[]


Gun-tlet Run is a shoot-'em'-up style minigame where the players must kill Corplets and Corplet Punishers to earn points. The player with the most points wins. The name "Gun-tlet Run" is a play-on-words of the phrase, "gauntlet run."


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Move WASD JoystickXboxOne LeftJoystick PS4
Shoot Left Click XXboxOne Square PS4
Jump SPACE AXboxOne Cross PS4

Blag the Flag[]

Blag the Flag

Blag the Flag is a capture the flag minigame. The players must capture a small red flag. The player receives points proportional to the duration the flag is held for. The players can hit each other to collect the flag from other players. The player who has the most points by the end of the time limit is the winner.


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Jump SPACE AXboxOne Cross PS4
Spin Attack Right Click XXboxOne Square PS4
Jump Attack SPACE + Right Click AXboxOne + XXboxOne Cross PS4 + Square PS4
Ball Roll ALT Steam RTXboxOne R2 PS4

Jobstacle Course[]


Jobstacle Course is an obstacle-themed game. The players must go through different sliding pieces as Corplets to collect Quills. If the walls close in on the player, they lose a ring of Quills but can respawn at any point close to where they fell. The player who has the most points by the end of the race is the winner.


Steam Xbox One PlayStation 4
Move Corplet WASD JoystickXboxOne LeftJoystick PS4

