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Yooka-Laylee Wiki

Moonie is a character found in Galleon Galaxy. Moonie is Planette's husband and acts as the main trigger for the Planette boss fight.

Moonie will request Yooka and Laylee in their ship transformation to fire their cannon at him and help relieve an itch on his back. Unfortunately, Moonie is blown apart by the cannon's projectile, much to the horror of the heroes and Moonie's wife, Planette, who then engages in combat with Yooka and Laylee.

Name Origin[]

The name "Moonie" is a play-on-words of the word "moon", and the verb "to moon," or to flash one's buttocks at another person, as his backside resembles a large posterior.


Moonie is a small moon with many rough craters around his body. He sports a monocle and a red bowtie with yellow planets on it. The back half of his body is larger than the front half and looks very similar to a human behind.


A genial, friendly sort, Moonie strikes up a pleasant conversation with the pair when first meeting them before politely asking if they would help him with an itch he is incapable of scratching. It is also safe to assume he was a good, attentive husband, as his wife flies into a murderous rage when he is unintentionally and unexpectedly killed by Yooka and Laylee.



Entire Conversations[]

Entire Conversation

Meeting Moonie[]


"Evenin'. Nice night for a sail, eh? Sometimes I like to skim the surface of this cosmic shore."


"It certainly is. You're looking a little low orbit though..."


"Say, you look like you're packing some hefty cannons there. I've got an itch on my back that I just can't reach. Perhaps some pesky microbial life trying to evolve."

"I know a guy who had a bad rash of them for a few millennia. Awful state of affairs that was."

"Reckon you could blast it away for me? I'd be really very appreciative."


"Ok, but don't blame me us if we put another crater in that face."


"Don't worry about making a crater... My girlfriend thinks they add character."



Concept Art[]

