Yooka-Laylee Wiki
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The Novel Hovel is an area in Hivory Towers. The outside of the building resembles a large bookcase. In the center of the room are six large novels with grapple points, and to the right is a Pagie in a Cagie. On either side of the novels are pressure plates, and Yooka must either push the novels or use Lizard Lash to pull them onto the correct switches. Once the right pressure plates are depressed, the Cagie will open.


Locations in Hivory Towers
Hivory Towers EntranceTribalstack Tome RoomPublication StationRextro's ArcadeGlitterglaze Tome RoomArchiveWaterworksOutside the FacilityCashino Tome RoomNovelizer 64Novel HovelOffice BuildingDr. Quack's Quack-Fire QuizCapital B's OfficeStationary Cupboard