The One Book is an all-powerful book with the potential to re-write the entire universe. In Yooka-Laylee, Capital B is seeking it out to try to unlock its power. It was found by Laylee (who hopes to turn it over for a profit) some time before the events of Yooka-Laylee. When the player starts the game, the duo has a conversation about their home, until suddenly, the book gets sucked away by Dr. Quack's Novelizer 64 into Hivory Towers. Sensing Capital B's sinister plans for them, the Pagies that make up the One Book fled from the book and scattered themselves all over Hivory Towers, as well as the five Tome Worlds contained within. It's up to Yooka and Laylee to get all the lost Pagies back and return the book to normal.
In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, the One Book is shown to be alive and can be found hiding in Shipwreck Creek inside of Bat Ship Crazy, hoping that Capital B won't find him again. According to the One Book, the Infinity Ink has the ability to properly edit The One Book. The One Book's Pagies can be found around the overworld and can affect the terrain.
Name Origin[]
The One Book's name is possibly inspired from, and in reference to, the One Ring from the Lord of the Rings franchise.
The One Book is a thick purple tome with gold studs in each corner of the cover. The pages inside are gold, because they are actually Pagies.
Entire Conversations[]
In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair inside Shipwreck Creek[]
Entire Conversation. |
Walk near the One Book[]One Book: "Nobody will find me here..." First Encounter[]One Book: "Ho ho! Please don't let him steal me again..." Dialogue select: "Who are you?"[]Yooka: "Do we know you?" One Book: "WAT WAAAT! Did you young'ens hit your heads on the way in?! Why I'm the all-powerful One Book! Remember? From the last game? Capital B tried to use my magical powers to expand his business. Luckily, you rescued my Missing Pagies and I'm whole again! And living in perpetual fear..." Dialogue select: "Are you hiding?"[]Laylee: "It looks like you're hiding like a wimpy kids book." One Book: "Er, absolutely not! This cabin has ideal shelving for my enormous spine." Laylee: "I didn't think you had one..." One Book: "I hope you're going to stop Capital B overtaking the Royal Stingdom." It would be bad news if he made enough Infinity Ink to do harm. Especially if he used it on my Pagies to rewrite the universe..." Leave[]Laylee: "Nice chatting, Mr. One Book. But we're off..." |
- If the player completes Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair without dying on the first attempt at the titular chapter, a secret cutscene plays: It depicts Laylee writing a storybook about the events of the game but uses the One Book's spare Pagies to write on and with the Infinity Ink that "a warm secretive stranger" gave her. This presumably caused the events of the game.
- Despite the One Book's anthropomorphism coming as a surprise to Yooka and Laylee, they acknowledge that he's alive in the secret ending. And considering how Laylee used the Infinity Ink to bring the story of the game to life, they should already know that the One Book is a living breathing creature as opposed to a magic book. The Pagies' animate behavior could have been another clue to them.
- The One Book appears in the game Honey, I Joined a Cult by Sole Survivor Games as an item that can be randomly obtained via Object Acquisition missions.