Yooka-Laylee Wiki
Yooka-Laylee Wiki

"Hey up, you found one of us power extenders! We'll make your power bar bigger, we will."
― Power Extender

The Power Extender is a small token collectible that the duo can collect. It is used to increase the Power Meter's size.

The default energy value of the Power Meter is 6 Energy, and collecting a Power Extender adds 1 to the value. If the player has collected all 6 Power Extenders, then the player will have a value max total of 12 Energy.[1]

The Athlete Tonic gives the player an extra value of 3 energy. If the player has all 6 Power Extenders and activates the Athlete Tonic, the player will have a total of 15 Energy.


The Power Extender is a small, crystal-shaped purple and orange token with a neon green lightning bolt down the center. There is also a white shimmer around it.


Collected for the first time[]

  • "Hey up, you found one of us power extenders! We'll make your power bar bigger, we will."





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ButterflyBoosterMag Butterfly BoostersPowerExtenderMag Power ExtendersPirate Treasure Pirate TreasuresTonic Play-TonicsCashino Coin Casino Chips

Ghost Quill Image Ghost QuillsGemMag Minecart Gems
