Yooka-Laylee Wiki

The Royal Beettalion Guard are members of Queen Phoebee's royal guard who are found at the end of each chapter trapped inside a glass beehive in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. There are a total of 48 in the game, and each member will take a hit for Yooka and Laylee in Capital B's Impossible Lair.

Each member has a bee-based pun name.

Beettalion Members[]

Chapter 1: Capital Causeway: Buzzerland

  • Capital Causeway - Chaos: Cam Beegle

Chapter 2: Factory Fright: Zingary

  • Factory Fright - Flooded: Dambeeien

Chapter 3: Wild Web Woods: Buzza Khan

  • Wild Web Woods - Wilder: Lilbee Ann

Chapter 4: Frantic Fountains: Apidave

  • Frantic Fountains - Frozen: Waspinson

Chapter 5: Gasping Glade: Hivan Lin

  • Gasping Glade - Grown: Joe the Bee

Chapter 6: Sawblade Evade: Willicomb Pugh

  • Sawblade Evade - Stuck: Dayleetle

Chapter 7: Production Path: Griffinsect

  • Production Path - Panic: Justing

Chapter 8: Windmill Way: Nestemeier

  • Windmill Way - Windy: Duncomb

Chapter 9: Urban Uprise: Beevanson

  • Urban Uprise - Updraft: Buzzymore

Chapter 10: Ropeburn Ridge: Honeysué

  • Ropeburn Ridge - Rerouted: Lawrinsect

Chapter 11: Conveyor Chaos: Hive Rustle

  • Conveyor Chaos - Crosswire: Debbee

Chapter 12: Buzzsaw Falls: Stingfano

  • Buzzsaw Falls - Frozen: Stingcent

Chapter 13: Cliffside Quest: Chrisbee

  • Cliffside Quest - Cold: Jeff Dronan

Chapter 14: Hazard Hangar: Bumblelee

  • Hazard Hangar - Hung: Andbee

Chapter 15: Turbine Trouble: Combee

  • Turbine Trouble - Tidal: Beeve

Chapter 16: Queasy Quay: Kirkhive

  • Queasy Quay - Climb: Gavsting

Chapter 17: Boom-Bloom Blast: Danbeeil

  • Boom-Bloom Blast - Breakthrough: Camerhoney

Chapter 18: Pumping Plant: Stingven Onehertzzz

  • Pumping Plant - Powered: Christingpher

Chapter 19: Scareship Shootout: Bumbleson

  • Scareship Shootout - Smoggy: Goatjelly

Chapter 20: Scareship Scroll: Gorebee Beetail

  • Scareship Scroll - Docked: Yagbeeyan
  • Overworld:
    • Danciel
    • Talbuzz
    • D Wizzze
    • Roepellent
    • Humish
    • Anthbea
    • Wilswarm
    • Flymon


  • Some of the names of the Beettalion members are a combination of a regular name (usually a reference), and a bee-related name.
    • Playtonic hosted a community competition on June 17th, 2019 and announced the winners on July 5th, 2019. The six winners of the competition would have their name (combined with a bee pun) as a member of the Beettalion.
    • Hive Rustle was named after Hyle Russel, who is the co-founder of DK Vine.
    • Many of the members of Playtonic Games have Beettalion members named after them. Most of these names were named after Gavin Price, the co-founder of Playtonic Games.
      • Gavsting is named after Gavin Price, the co-founder, managing director, and creator director.
      • Zingary is a combination of the Zingers from the DKC series, and Gary Richards, a game designer.
      • Joe the Bee is named after Joseph Douthwaite, a software engineer at Playtonic. Gavin Price came up with several different names for Douthwaite, but Douthwaite kept rejecting them. Eventually, Gavin Price simply named him Joe the Bee.[1]

