Yooka-Laylee Wiki

"Greetings adventurers! I seem to have embarked on such a grand adventure that I've ended up in the wrong game."
― Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight is a special guest NPC in Yooka-Laylee. He was going on a long adventure, when he ended up in the wrong game. Shovel Knight originally comes from the successfully Kickstarted 2D sidescrolling platform game: Shovel Knight (2014), produced by Yacht Club Games.

In Tribalstack Tropics, he appears asking for help from Yooka and Laylee to retrieve a jewel on top of the Tribalstack Shrine. He appears again in Galleon Galaxy inside of a cave found on Skull Island in search of the keys to open a treasure hoard. Shovel Knight asks Yooka and Laylee to seek the four keys that are found on each of the Knights of Hamalot.

Name Origin[]

Shovel Knight's name is autological: he is a knight who uses a shovel as a weapon in contrast to the normally used sword.


Shovel Knight is a knight in gold-trimmed blue armor with a shovel and horned templar helmet. He carries a shovel with a blue tip and a golden sword's hilt.


Shovel Knight is shown to be an honest, adventurous and helpful character, as he aids people in his original title, and also seeks out treasure in Yooka-Laylee.


Tribalstack Tropics[]

Behind the Tribal Village in front of Tribalstack Shrine, Shovel Knight asks the player to retrieve his jewel in exchange for an "adventuring secret". The duo may climb up the mountain with the Slurp Shot ability to consume frostberries to hit switches. The switches will either stop or activate spinning wooden platforms, which are necessary to climb up the shrine. On top of the shrine, the duo can shoot a red jewel inside of the eye of the statue using frostberries, aiming with the left joystick. After the jewel has been shot down, the player can collect return it to Shovel Knight. Shovel Knight will then dig up a Pagie for the duo to collect.

Galleon Galaxy[]

Shovel Knight is in front of a locked gate inside of a cave on Skull Island in Galleon Galaxy. Shovel Knight requires the player to retrieve four keys, one from each Knight of Hamalot. He tells Yooka and Laylee how to retrieve each key from each Knight.

  • Sir Scoffsalot - Use the Reptile Rush ability against Sir Scoffsalot's belly for Scoffsalot to drop the key behind him.
  • Lady Lootsalot - Blast the entrance to Lootsalot's building with bomberries, and once Lootsalot shows the key, use the Camo Cloak, and steal the key while invisible.
  • Lady Leapalot - Spray Leapalot with water using water from the nearby splashberries using the Slurp Shot ability, then hit her with the Sonar Shot ability. She will then drop the key behind her.
  • Sir Shootsalot - Hit Shootsalot with the Tail Twirl ability, and then Buddy Slam the top of him. Lastly, hit him with the Sonar 'Splosion ability, and he will drop the key behind him if the player hits him with their abilities in that specific order.

After the player has retrieved all four keys, Shovel Knight will open up the gate for the player to collect the Pagie inside of the gate.


Tribalstack Tropics[]

Once Tribalstack Tropics is expanded, Shovel Knight can be found behind the Tribal Village where Clara is located.

Galleon Galaxy[]

Once Galleon Galaxy is expanded, Shovel Knight can be found inside of a cave on Skull Island.

Entire Conversations[]

Character Parade Trailer[]

Entire Conversation.

Character Parade Trailer[]

Shovel Knight:

"Greetings adventurers! I seem to have embarked on such a grand adventure that I've ended up in the wrong game."


"Finally, a decent NPC to work with!"

Tribalstack Tropics[]

Entire Conversation.

First encounter[]


"Blimey. Check out this guy, Yooka."

Shovel Knight:

"Greetings Adventurers! I am the one they call Shovel Knight... and I'm having an eventful day."

"I seem to have embarked on such a grand adventure that I've ended up in the wrong game."


"I hate it when that happens."

Shovel Knight:

"There appears to be some alluring treasure hidden at the top of this temple. However, I'm having trouble reaching it... I haven't gotten used to this bizarre third dimension yet!"

"Retrieve the giant jewel for me and I'll reveal to though the secret to succeeding in any adventure!"


"Alright your knightliness, we'll find your jewel. Make sure the payment is definitely page-based."

Shovel Knight:

"Excellent! Steel thy shovel, friends. I'll be waiting here for your safe return."

Returning without the jewel[]

Shovel Knight:

"How goes thy adventuring, friends? This mighty temple hasn't defeated you, has it?"


"Of course not! We're just sizing it up."

Shovel Knight:

"Excellent! Return when you've retrieved the jewel, friends."

Collecting the jewel[]

Shovel Knight:

"Great work, friends! You retrieved my jewel. Now bring it back here!"

Speaking to Shovel Knight with the jewel[]


"We've recovered the jewel, Shovel Knight!"

Shovel Knight:

"Impressive! I can't wait to exchange it for piles of gold."

"Now as promised, here's the secret to adventuring success..."

(Shovel Knight digs up a Pagie)

Shovel Knight:

"All you need is a map and the thirst for adventure!"


"This guy's humour is as flat as his pixelated treasure."

Speaking to Shovel Knight for the first time with the jewel[]

(The "First encounter" dialogue will appear if the player speaks to Shovel Knight for the first time with the jewel. The dialogue below will appear afterwards.)


"You mean this treasure?"

Shovel Knight:

"Wait, you've already been up there without consulting me for adventuring tips? Impressive!


"Give us something harder next time, your knightliness!"

Shovel Knight:

"I'll keep that in mind. Now as promised, here's the secret to adventuring success..."

(Shovel Knight digs up a Pagie)

Shovel Knight:

"All you need is a map and the thirst for adventure!"


"This guy's humour is as flat as his pixelated treasure."

Speaking to Shovel Knight after completing his task[]

Shovel Knight:

"Happy adventuring, friends! I'm sure our paths will cross again."


"In your game, hopefully. I wouldn't mind hoarding some of that gold..."

Galleon Galaxy[]

Entire Conversation.

First encounter[]

Shovel Knight:

"Greetings fellow knights! Thou arrived just in time."


"This guy gets about, doesn't he? I hope he's not expecting a share of our profits."

Shovel Knight:

"In my latest quest for treasure, I've uncovered this mighty vault containing vast fortune!"

"Unfortunately, a group of swine knights have each claimed a key to the treasure. But their hearts are not yet pure enought to work together to achieve victory!"

"Help me obtain their keys, young lizard, and together we can show them the true ways of the knight!"


"Is there a pagie amongst that loot, Shovel Knight?"

Shovel Knight:

"Indeed! Work with me and we'll split this treasure evenly...Thou can have the pagie and I'll settle for the vast piles of gold."


"That sounds like a great deal...of nonsense!"


"Laylee! Sure thing, Shovel Knight. We'll talk some sense into those pigs."

Key Clues[]

Shovel Knight:

"Here's how to claim one of the keys..."

"Scoffsalot is normally focused on chowing down. If thou were to charge his belly I'm confident he would drop his key."

(after claiming Sir Scoffsalot's key)


"We're ready to tackle another knight!"

Shovel Knight:

"Excellent! Lootsalot has a keen eye to be sure. If thou are spotted for even an instant thou will never get the key."

"Thou will have to somehow sneak up without being seen...If thou can find where the key's hidden first!"

(after claiming Lady Lootsalot's key)


"What's the next target, Shovel Knight?"

Shovel Knight:

"To obtain the key from Leapalot, thou will have to employ more finesse."

"To penetrate that armour try rusting it with water, followed by a deafening war cry! That should distract her!"


"I think that would distract anyone."

(after claiming Lady Leapalot's key)


What's the next target, Tin Man?

Shovel Knight:

"Shootsalot is a tough old dog. Thou will require my legendary trifecta attack of tail twirl, Buddy Slam, and then Sonar 'Splosion."


"How can you do a tail twirl without a tail?"

Shovel Knight:

"Such things matter not to a knight of pure heart!"


"And the Sonar 'Splosion?"

Shovel Knight:

"I've always had an excellent singing voice."

After collecting all keys[]

Shovel Knight:

"Strong work, knights... you have all the keys! Our teamwork has paid off. Let's open this mighty vault..."

(the gate to a pile of treasure, including a Pagie and some quills, opens)

"Excellent work, knights. Now I know who to call if I'm ever in trouble on another adventure!

Speaking to Shovel Knight after completing his task[]


"Wouldn't it have been easier to dig under the gate?"

"I...Erm...'The reward is not what you unearth, but the...erm...honour of sifting the sand.'"


"You just made up that phony phrase then, didn't you?"






  • Shovel Knight is voiced by Sean Velasco, the founder of Yacht Games and former director of WayForward Technologies.
    • Chris Sutherland and possibly other Playtonic Game members gave Sean Velasco voice lessons and taught him how the blabber talk system worked in Yooka-Laylee.
  • After the announcement of Shovel Knight's appearance in Yooka-Laylee, Yacht Games updated their Twitter bio to: "Yo ho, oh yo ho ho yo yo oh ho yo video games ho oh ho yo yo! Yo ho yo ho yo ho Shovel Knight!"[1]
    • This is a reference to Shovel Knight's blabber talk in Yooka-Laylee.
  • Shovel Knight's 3D model and animations were not created by Playtonic Games, but it was in fact created by Yacht club Games themselves.
  • If Shovel Knight is human, he would be the second human NPC in Yooka-Laylee, after Dr. Puzz.
  • According to some of Lady Leapalot's dialogue, she seems to have a rivalry with Shovel Knight.
  • Shovel Knight is mentioned at the end of Yooka and Laylee's reveal trailer in Brawlout when Laylee says "You'd think working with that blue knight guy we'd have a little more clout".

