Yooka-Laylee Wiki
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The Space Outhouse is an object that holds an unseen character that can be found in Galleon Galaxy. The mysterious voice from inside of the outhouse instructs the player to clear the Plumbing for it.

Name Origin[]

An outhouse is an outside lavatory.


The Outhouse appears to be a large red space themed bathroom stall. The outhouse sports a lamp, as well as a porthole on its arched door. The outhouse is mostly comprised of metal.


The outhouse is polite to the duo. However, the mysterious voice is rather pushy, most likely because of the situation it is in.


It is one of two red outhouses on an outcropping island floating near Spacecog Station, and directly above Space Plumbing. There are a group of blue outhouses surrounding it.


It opens the Space Plumbing area for the duo, and asks them to fix the plumbing before it will give them a pagie.

Entire Conversation[]

Entire Conversation.

Initial encounter[]

Space Outhouse:

"Is there someone out there? Help!"


"Erm, hello. What seems to be the problem?"

Space Outhouse:

"Thank goodness. It's a right mess in here...the plumbing's had it and I'm on the verge of a serious problem."


"Yikes! How can we help?"

Space Outhouse:

"If you need to use the facilities you'll have to go down below and fix the plumbing."

"Be quick though...this cabin is almost out of stock and all I've got left is this golden piece of paper."


"Can you wash it after? We're collecting those."


"Laylee! We'll be as quick as we can, sir. Just hold on!"

Space Outhouse:

"Thanks a bunch, fellas. Hold on, I'll get the door for you. I've got the remote."

After completing its task[]

Space Outhouse:

"Yes! It's flushing! I'm saved!"

(If spoken to after collecting the pagie, the following takes place)


"How are you doing in there?"

Space Outhouse:

"Much better, thank you! You really earned your reward. I've had a second wind and will be in here a while longer though."


"Thanks. I hope it goes well for you in there."




Before the day one update, the Youtube celebrity, Jonathan Aryan Jafari, would have voiced this character. However, Jonathan was removed from the game due to controversy.[1] The voice has been replaced by Andy Wilson.


External Links[]

