Yooka-Laylee Wiki
IneptHead "Erm, Bzzz... Bug detected. Please tell devs they messed up."
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INEPT "Bzzz... Unblur yourselves!"
Name unconfirmed.
The name for this character or location has not been revealed by Playtonic Games.

The Classy Snowman is a minor character in Yooka-Laylee. He is one of many snowmen found within Glitterglaze Glacier. The player can find and return his top hat, along with the other snowmen to receive a Pagie. He is on a Cabaret Act tour with his friends.

Name Origin[]


The Classy snowman has a long, cone-like snowman with various lumps up and down his body. He has two feet that spread out, and two stick arms. He sports a black-rimmed monocle and a large purple bowtie.



In the Igloo Cliffs.


Retrieve his top hat.


Entire Conversation[]

Entire Conversation

Meeting the snowman without his hat[]

Classy Snowman: "Gosh, they'll never let me in the bridge club without my missing hat."




  • Retrieving an insufficient amount of hats for the snowmen to finish the quest and exiting the level will result in all of the quest's progress being erased; therefore, it's advised that one try finish the quest in one visit of the world.
  • The top hat the Classy Snowman wears is the same hat that the Duke wears, just enlarged.

See Also[]

  • Cowboy Snowman - The snowman who lost his cowboy hat.
  • Naked Snowman - The snowman who lost his pair of green pants.
  • Shiver E. Timbers - The snowman who lost his pirate hat.
  • Witch Snowman - The snowman who lost her witch hat.
Snowman (Cowboy) Cowboy SnowmanSnowman (Pants) Naked SnowmanSnowman (Pirate) Shiver E. TimbersSnowman (Witch) Witch Snowman

Snowman (Posh) Classy Snowman

IneptHead "Erm, Bzzz... Bug detected. Please tell devs they messed up."
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This article is either incomplete or needs improvement.
Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.

The Cowboy Snowman is a minor character in Yooka-Laylee. He is one of five snowmen found within Glitterglaze Glacier. Like the other snowmen, he too is on a traveling cabaret tour act with his friends, the other snowmen. Yooka and Laylee can find and return his lost Cowboy Hat. If the duo finds his lost cowboy hat and the other snowman's hats, the last assisted one will reward the player with a Pagie.

Name Origin[]

The name "Cowboy Snowman" is unofficial due to the official name not being revealed yet. However, it can be implied that he is a snowman due to his hat and lasso on attached to his belt.


The cowboy snowman is a tall white snowman with three buttons, and sticks for arms. He wears a brown western themed belt that has a large silver belt buckle along with a holster for his lasso.


The cowboy snowman is down-to-earth. Upon returning his hat, he will state that he is not really a cowboy, he merely dresses up like one on weekends.


The Cowboy Snowman can be found inside of Glitterglaze Cave, which is located inside of a river on top of the Igloo Cliffs. At the end of the cave, the Cowboy Snowman can be found on a small ramp.


For the duo to receive a Pagie, the duo must help all 5 snowmen collect their hat. The Cowboy Snowman's hat is located underneath a pile of snow near Vendi, who is located below the Frozen Path entrance, and across the world entrance.

To retrieve the hat, once the player has transformed into the Snowplough, they can access the pile of by one of two ways: traveling through the Crystalline Cave to Vendi, or going through shortcut to the Igloo Cliffs, and carefully making the duo's way down the Frozen Path. However, it's recommended to take the path through the Crystalline Cave since going through the Frozen Path is longer and riskier since the player can fall into the water and the transformation will be undone.

Once the duo returns the hat to the Cowboy Snowman, they will be rewarded with a Pagie if it was their last Snowman task.


Entire Conversation[]




  • Retrieving an insufficient amount of hats for the snowmen to finish the quest and exiting the level will result in all of the quest's progress being erased; therefore, it's advised that one try finish the quest in one visit of the world.

See Also[]

  • Naked Snowman - The snowman who lost his pair of pants.
  • Shiver E. Timbers - The snowman who lost his pirate hat.
  • Witch Snowman - The snowman that lost her witch hat.
  • Classy Snowman - The snowman who lost his top hat.
Snowman (Cowboy) Cowboy SnowmanSnowman (Pants) Naked SnowmanSnowman (Pirate) Shiver E. TimbersSnowman (Witch) Witch Snowman

Snowman (Posh) Classy Snowman

Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
INEPT "Bzzz... Unblur yourselves!"
Name unconfirmed.
The name for this character or location has not been revealed by Playtonic Games.

The Naked Snowman is a minor character found in Yooka-Laylee. Like the other snowmen in Glitterglaze Glacier, he wants Yooka and Laylee to retrieve his hat for him. In this particular case, his hat is a pair of pants.

Name Origin[]


The Naked snowman is a tall white snowman with three buttons and sticks for arms. He wears nothing but a single leaf, to hide his dignity. He desperately needs his pants back because he states that it's far too cold.


The Naked Snowman is very nervous, he constantly tells the duo not to stare at him and states that he feels exposed.


The Naked Snowman is located inside the Frozen Path. He is right by the exit of the Frozen Path to the Igloo Cliffs.



  • "Wahey!"

Entire Conversation[]

Entire Conversation

First time meeting the Snowman[]

Naked Snowman: "Cor, a blizzard's gone and blown me hat away!"

Collecting his hat[]

Naked Snowman: "Wahey! Bring that here and I'll give you a massive hug."

Returning his hat[]

Naked Snowman: "Wahey! They'll finally let me back in public with this!"




  • Retrieving an insufficient amount of hats for the snowmen to finish the quest and exiting the level will result in all of the quest's progress being erased; therefore, it's advised that one try finish the quest in one visit of the world.

See also:[]

  • Cowboy Snowman - The snowman who lost his cowboy hat.
  • Shiver E. Timbers - The snowman who lost his pirate hat.
  • Witch Snowman - The snowman who lost her witch hat.
  • Classy Snowman - The snowman who lost his top hat.
Snowman (Cowboy) Cowboy SnowmanSnowman (Pants) Naked SnowmanSnowman (Pirate) Shiver E. TimbersSnowman (Witch) Witch Snowman

Snowman (Posh) Classy Snowman

IneptHead "Erm, Bzzz... Bug detected. Please tell devs they messed up."
Article Incomplete.
This article is either incomplete or needs improvement.
Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.

Shiver E. Timbers is a minor character in Yooka-Laylee. He is one of many snowmen found within Glitterglaze Glacier. The player can find and return his lost pirate Hat.

Name Origin[]

The name Shiver E. Timbers is a play-on-words with the stereotypical phrase said mostly by pirates; "Shiver me timbers". Shiver is also the act of shaking lightly due to being cold, going with the cold and icy theme of Glitterglaze Glacier.


Shiver E. Timbers has a long, cone-like snowman with various lumps up and down his body. He has two feet that spread out, and two stick arms. He sports an eye patch, and a black pirate belt with a large gold belt buckle.


Shiver E. Timbers acts very pirate-like. However, he's polite enough to genuinely thank the player upon returning his hat.

He also speaks in pirate patterned style.

Hat and Character Location[]

Hat Location
Tricorn Location: Underneath a pile of snow on top of the side cliffs connected to the Icymetric Path, guarded by Googly Eyes.

Method of Retrieval: Once the player has transformed into a Snowplough, the duo can travel towards the Icymetric Palace on the Icymetric Path. Once the player makes their way around the tower that the path curves around, the player can split off to the right and jump onto a hovering platform that leads to the side cliffs to rush into the snow pile to collect the Tricorn.

Snowman: Shiver E. Timbers is located below the side cliffs where the tricorn was collected on a small island close to the Glittertrio Towers.


Entire Conversation[]




  • Retrieving an insufficient amount of hats for the snowmen to finish the quest and exiting the level will result in all of the quest's progress being erased; therefore, it's advised that one try finish the quest in one visit of the world.

See Also[]

  • Cowboy Snowman - The snowman who lost his cowboy hat.
  • Naked Snowman - The snowman who lost his pair of green pants.
  • Witch Snowman - The snowman who lost her witch hat.
  • Classy Snowman - The snowman who wants his top hat back.
Snowman (Cowboy) Cowboy SnowmanSnowman (Pants) Naked SnowmanSnowman (Pirate) Shiver E. TimbersSnowman (Witch) Witch Snowman

Snowman (Posh) Classy Snowman

IneptHead "Erm, Bzzz... Bug detected. Please tell devs they messed up."
Article Incomplete.
This article is either incomplete or needs improvement.
Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
INEPT "Bzzz... Unblur yourselves!"
Name unconfirmed.
The name for this character or location has not been revealed by Playtonic Games.

The Witch Snowman is a minor character in Yooka-Laylee. She is one of five snowmen in Glitterglaze Glacier. The player must find and return her lost witch hat.

Name Origin[]


The witch snowman has a long, cone-like snowman with various lumps up and down her body. She has two feet that spread out, and two stick arms. She has a tall pointy witch hat, a purple and green striped scarf and a large broom.


The witch snowman speaks in rhyme. Upon collecting her hat, she nags the player to get to her quick.


In Glitterglaze Glacier inside of the middle of Crystalline Cave by the Scorchberries and Frostberries.


Yooka and Laylee must retrieve her witch hat and scarf to complete one out of the 4 tasks during the snowmen's missing hat quest.


  • "Away it seems to have fled, the hat that was on my head..."
  • "Tee-hee! Thanks for finding my hat. Now I can continue my witchy chat!"
  • "For more rhymes, I'm sure you're eager, but our dialogue budget is rather meager."
  • "I can't talk to thou, now you've been turned into a plough..."
  • "My hat I need to look slick, so bring it back here... quick, quick, quick!"

Entire Conversation[]




  • The clothing and speech styles that the witch snowman use highly resemble that of Gruntilda's from the Banjo-Kazooie Series.
  • Retrieving an insufficient amount of hats for the snowmen to finish the quest and exiting the level will result in all of the quest's progress being erased; therefore, it's advised that one try finish the quest in one visit of the world.


Hats are items that the Yooka and Laylee must retrieve for various Snowmen found within Glitterglaze Glacier. To find the clothes, the player must plow the large piles of snow using the Snowplough Form. Once all the clothes are collected, the player can return the clothes to the corresponding snowmen.

List of Hats[]

Hat Location
Cowboy Hat
Cowboy Hat
Cowboy Hat Location:

Underneath a pile of snow near Vendi, who is located below the Frozen Path entrance, and across the world entrance.

Method of Retrieval: Once the player has transformed into the Snowplough, they can access the pile of by one of two ways: traveling through the Crystalline Cave to Vendi, or going through shortcut to the Igloo Cliffs, and carefully making the duo's way down the Frozen Path. However, it's recommended to take the path through the Crystalline Cave since going through the Frozen Path is longer and riskier since the player can fall into the water and the transformation will be undone.

Snowman: The Snowman for the corresponding Cowboy Hat can be found inside of Glitterglaze Cave, which is located inside of a river on top of the Igloo Cliffs. At the end of the cave, the Cowboy Snowman can be found on a small ramp.

Pants Location: Underneath a pile of snow on one of the high platforms near the west Glittertrio Tower, which is a tower located closest to the Crystalline Cave.

Method of Retrieval: After transforming into the Snowplough Form, the player can climb up the Glittertrio Towers through the thin icy paths and hovering platforms to retrieve the pants.

Snowman: Once the pants are collected, the player can return to the Naked Snowman, who's located at the end of the Frozen Path near the entrance of the Igloo Cliffs.

Tricorn Location: Underneath a pile of snow on top of the side cliffs connected to the Icymetric Path, guarded by Googly Eyes.

Method of Retrieval: Once the player has transformed into a Snowplough, the duo can travel towards the Icymetric Palace on the Icymetric Path. Once the player makes their way around the tower that the path curves around, the player can split off to the right and jump onto a hovering platform that leads to the side cliffs to rush into the snow pile to collect the Tricorn.

Snowman: Shiver E. Timbers is located below the side cliffs where the tricorn was collected on a small island close to the Glittertrio Towers.

Witch Hat
Witch Hat
Witch Hat Location: Underneath a pile of snow located on top of the Igloo Cliffs in between the entrance of the Glitterglaze Cave and the Frozen Path's exit.

Method of Retrieval: In the player's Snowplough Form, they can take the shortcut to the Igloo Cliffs located at the Glitterglaze Shore by Dr. Puzz to get to the pile of snow which is by the river.

Snowman: The Witch Snowman is located in the middle of Crystalline Cave by a pillar with a Scorchberry and a Frostberry next to the pillar.

Top Hat
Top Hat
Top Hat Location: Underneath a pile of snow in Crystalline Cave where the path splits in three with Googly Eyes guarding the pile of snow.

Method of Retrieval: Once the player has turned into a Snowplough, the player can travel into Crystalline Cave - located near the end of Glitterglaze Shore by the icy floor. Once the player enters the cave, they will be greeted by Googly Eyes and the snowpile close to the googly eyes.

Snowman: The Classy Snowman is located on the corner of the Igloo Cliffs by the igloos and the edge of the cliff.


The hats can vary depending on the type. The array of hats that the player collects consist of; a black and white top hat, a brown cowboy hat, a black pirate hat and a black witch hat. While on the other hand, the pants are mainly green with a small, purple, square-shaped patch, as well as a brown belt and red trim around the legs.


  • The pants are a recolored version of Trowzer's shorts.
  • On rare occasions, enemies in Yooka-Laylee can be found wearing a pair of pants on their head as well.**Adding pants in certain places in Yooka-Laylee could possibly be an ongoing joke within the Playtonic Games community, and the Rare community.
      • During Playstation Access at EGX 2016, Chris Sutherland explained that the joke originated from a common complaint from the Yooka-Laylee community regarding Yooka's lack of clothing during the initial reveal of Yooka and Laylee[1], The coloration of the pants and the frequency at which his lack of pants is mentioned by Playtonic also supports this being the case.
      • The joke may also be intended as a reference to a character known as "Mr. Pants", a mascot for Rareware's official website (who would later receive his own game, the 2005 title It's Mr. Pants! for the Game Boy Advance).
        • The older members of Rareware have consistently added Mr. Pants cameos in their older titles such as a few cameos in Banjo-Tooie, Jet Force Gemini, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Viva Piñata, and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
      • During an interview at EGX, a Corplet was spotted with pants on his head. A lady asked "Why isn't Yooka wearing any pants? Did the minions steal them?" Sutherland then responded with "just play the game and you'll find out," foreshadowing the pants' use in the game.**** It turns out that the final Play Tonic that the duo gets gives Yooka a pair of pants, proving what Chris Sutherland said about pants being in the game.
      • Yooka and Laylee even make a special guest appearance in Brief Battles, a game where players fight over pants.


Snowman (Cowboy) Cowboy SnowmanSnowman (Pants) Naked SnowmanSnowman (Pirate) Shiver E. TimbersSnowman (Witch) Witch Snowman

Snowman (Posh) Classy Snowman
