Yooka-Laylee Wiki
Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
"Blast!... I don't look forward to them showing up in future games..."
― Capital B referring to V.I.L.E.

Members of V.I.L.E.

V.I.L.E. is an evil organization and incorporation in the Playtonic Universe that consists of primarily males and is lead by the "Chairman of the Board." Funding from the organization goes to the members to help with each of their very own villainous schemes. The members communicate through a video call to have updates on their progress, and sign a contract that forbids the members from giving out classified information to non-employees, being their true purpose. Capital B claims their goal is to "rewrite the universe." Other than this, the purpose of rewriting the universe is unknown, or if this even truly is their purpose and not just Capital B's.

Known Members[]

Chairman of the Board: The Chairman of the Board is the leader of V.I.L.E. and possibly the "True Antagonist" of the Yooka-Laylee series. Nothing is known about him except that he wants to use the One Book and the Infinity Ink to rewrite the Playtonic Universe.

Dr. Quack: Dr Quack's purpose was to monitor Capital B while serving him as the vice president of Quack Corp. Dr. Quack also jots down facts and trivia of the events of Yooka-Laylee, and present them to the V.I.L.E. board in "easy to read bullets."

Capital B: Capital B was sent to take The One Book and help the organization re-write the universe for their benefit. After the events of Yooka-Laylee, it is unknown if Capital B is still a member of V.I.L.E.

Boris: Boris the Flying Meanyion replaces Dr. Quack as Secondary Antagonist in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. His role within V.I.L.E. is unknown.

Queen Phoebee: Her role within V.I.L.E. is unknown, but after Capital B's second defeat, Queen Phoebee stated that if her brother (Capital B) attemped to conquer the Royal Stingdom again she would report him to her colleagues within the organization.


  • The name V.I.L.E. comes from the word "vile," which means "wicked," likely describing that the members of V.I.L.E are wicked in the fact they have villainous intentions.