Yooka-Laylee Wiki

The Yooka-Laylee Rap is a song composed by Grant Kirkhope and sung by Chris Sutherland and Kevin Bayliss. The rap is a spoof of the 1999 song "The DK Rap" which was a parody of the rap genre as a whole. After the main Kickstarter goal was reached, this song was uploaded to YouTube on April 1st, 2017 to meet the 12th stretch goal at £1,100,000. The rap can also be heard Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. If you stand outside the entrance to the ship in Shipwreck Creek for a short time, the rap will start to play.


Hey man, are you ready for this?

Yeah, I was ready twenty years ago!

Okay, let’s do this!

Here we go!

So it’s finally time, all thanks to you

It’s the game revival you helped come true!

They said this scene’s dead, that’s a load of yap!

And we’re here to prove it with this familiar rap!

His name’s on the box, and he’s green as heck

But cross this lizard and you’ll get wrecked! 

There's plenty of room between his orange crests,

So he's the perfect partner for this buddy quest!

He's quick, nimble, and rolls real fast

And he flies his pants on the shipwreck mast! 

Yooka! Yooka-Laylee!

A lizard and a bat, what's up with that?

Yooka! Yooka-Laylee!

A lizard and a bat, and a snake in a hat!

Her name comes second, but don’t be fooled

Badmouth this bat and you’ll get schooled!

She’ll send your head spinning with her sonar rings

She can soar through the air with her super strong wings!

With her on your side you’re sure to find

The many golden goodies the adventure hides!

Yooka! Yooka-Laylee!

A lizard and a bat, what's up with that?

Yooka! Yooka-Laylee!

A lizard and a bat, and a snake in a hat!

They’re finally together, and stronger as two

Yooka and Laylee are real cool dudes!

Their buddy Trowzer will power your moves,

While Dr. Puzz provides the nuts and bolts and screws!

We really hope you have a blast,

'Cos this friendship is built to last!

Come on Rextro, drop an old school beat!

The Pagies, in Cagies, who’ll set them free?

Just take a look a duo called Yooka-Laylee

(Repeat x5)



The Yooka-Laylee Rap!


  • The harmony of the rap could be a reference to the title theme from the SNES platforming video game, "Radical Rex" (1994) since the harmony of the rap is played by Rextro Sixtyfourus, who is a tyrannosaurus rex, who happens to be of the same species as the main character of Radical Rex.